c l i e n t :
Two :60 radio commercials
1. SFX: Car running smoothly, birds singing, etc.
Wealthy, slightly snooty MAN (or woman) with British accent talking to his/her chauffeur:
"Jeeves, the puppies seem to have soiled the back seat of the SUV again...Perhaps you can pop down to the Mercedes dealer tomorrow and buy a nice new car for us."
CHAUFFEUR: "Certainly, sir/madam."
SFX: same, but quieter, as CHAUFFEUR speaks conspiratorially to audience:
"Hey, some people have money to burn. But if you're a normal person who wants to get rid of an old car, why not do what I do? Don't bother selling it or trading it in--donate it to the Outreach Center’s "Cars for Kids" Program instead.
You'll get to deduct the car's full Blue Book value from your taxes, and Outreach Center takes care of all the paperwork.
That’s any make, any model, whether it runs or not. Outreach comes and tows it pronto, and the proceeds provide hot lunches and scholarships to underprivileged area children.”
SFX UP: car running
"Oh, and Jeeves...do pick up some more caviar for the puppies while you're out.”
“That’s the "Cars for Kids" program at 1-800-973-3888—that’s toll-free, 1-800-973-3888 or www.outreachusa.org…to help kids who don't exactly have money to burn."
2. SEASONAL RADIO SPOT: easily revised for Christmas season or summertime
(Bouncy Chrismas music and jingle bells in background)
"Ho, ho, ho, Yes, this is Santa Claus at the North Pole...with a summertime message for everybody who wishes the Christmas spirit could last all year.
"Well, it can--especially if you're thinking of trading in your old car. Why not donate it instead--to Outreach Center's "Cars for Kids" program? You'll get a valuable tax deduction -- maybe more than if you sold the car or traded it in -- and you'll benefit underprivileged kids with hot lunches and scholarships, all over the TOWN/STATE area.
"Doesn't matter if the car runs or not--my elves will come and take it off your hands right away, free of charge. They handle all the paperwork, too."
Outreach Center's "Cars for Kids" program is an IRS-recognized charity, which means you can deduct your donation up to its full Blue Book value. Just call 1-800-973-3888--that's toll-free, 1-800-973-3888—and send some holiday spirit to kids who could use a little Chritmas right now.
SFX: MUSIC and BELLS UP as Santa flies away.
“If you're trading in anything other than a fleet of reindeer...call the Cars for Kids program today! Happy Holidays, everybody...!”